I've just returned from a hike on the Appalachian Trail along the Tennessee/North Carolina border. It was a neat experience. I'm returning tired, wet, and happy.
I looked for Mark Sanford (South Carolina governor) who made every one of us honest hikers look bad with his escapades earlier in the year. (He said he was "hiking the A.T." when he was visiting a girlfriend in Argentina.)
I can say this: as bad as we hikers smell on the Trail, it's not the place to find a girlfriend anyway. (I thank my "girlfriend" of 33 years, DeDe for allowing me to follow my hiking dreams.
On this trip, I often thought of my friend "Mac" Rathburn who hiked the entire 2100 mile trail. Asked about his trip, he said, "I enjoyed every miserable step of it."
I've heard many descriptions of hiking but none better.

Friday night shelter, Roan Knob Shelter. Highest trail shelter on the entire Appalachian Trail. (6200 feet.) I had the shelter to myself. (Just me and the mice.)
Be still and know that I am God. Psalms 46:10

Ladder up into the loft of the shelter. By climbing up there, you're out of bear country. There's a trap door you can close from above.

Thru hikers "Tolstoy" and "Buddy" were my roommates at the Clyde Smith Shelter. They've walked (and trotted) all the way from Maine. Buddy has his own sleeping bag.
Tolstoy (aka Nathaniel Pruitt) is from New Jersey. I enjoyed visiting with him.
More photos and stories later.

Labels: AT hike North Carolina Curt Iles Creekbank revival Appalachian Trail
Ok Curt, I will be still and know that God is here , but it will be hard with a mouse in the same room.
Glad you had a nice time. Adam wanted so badly to be with you on this hike. I guess you have to come back and go with him sometime now! Now that you know you have a kindred spirit up here in NC!!!
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